Stem and Roots

Plants Stems and Roots are cleaned properly, dried and available as raw. It can be consumed directly or can be used to to prepare any churna or kashaya. These stems and roots helps us to make our life good, better and best.
Adhimadhuram | Jethimadh | Mulethi | Licorice Roots | Glycyrrhiza Glabra 100gm
Adhimadhuram is a small plant grows in Hills of India. Roots parts of the plants are used in the nam..
Kasthuri Manjal | Wild Turmeric | Jangli Haldi | Kadarasina | Curcuma Aromatica 100gm
Kasthuri Manjal also called as Wild Turmeric in English is the most important grass plant in Indian ..
Oru Pal Poondu | Solo Garlic | Single Clove Garlic | Ek Kal Lehsun | Allium Sativum 100gm
Single Clove Garlic or Orupal poondu as a raw herbs. It can be used as an alternative to ordinary ga..
Vembala Pattai | Alkanet Roots | Ratanjot Root | Laljari | Alkanna Tinctoria 100gm
Vembala pattai or Alkanet Roots are available as raw Herbal. It is having a pigment called Alkanin i..
Akkara Roots | Spanish Chamomile | Akarkara | Akallakara | Anacyclus Pyrethrum 100gm
Akkara is a small plant grows in Bengal and in Arabian Countries. Its roots parts are used by people..
Amukkara | Ashwagandha | Winter Cherry | Asgandh | Asvagandha | Withania Somnifera 100gm
Amukkara also called as Ashwagandha by people is a small plant grows in all areas of India. Its root..
Chitharathai | Lesser Galangal | Kulanjan | Sannarasmi | Kolinchi | Alpinia Officinarum 100gm
Chitharathai is a grass like plant grows mostly in hot places of India. Currently it is being import..
Garuda Kodi | Indian Birthwort | Iswaramul | Ishwara beru | Aristolochia indica 100gm
Garuda Kodi or Eswaramooli or Thalaichuruli is a small creeper plant grows in hills and in road side..
Kodiveli Ver | Leadwort Roots | Chitrak | Agnipaavaka | Plumbago Zeylanic 100gm
Kodiveli also called as Lead wort in English is a creeper plant grows all over India, especially in ..
Manjitti | Indian Madder | Manjista | Manjitha | Manchitti | Rubia Cordifolia 100gm
Manjista also called as Indian Madder in English is a creeper plant grows in Himalayan Hills and in ..
Mookkirattai Roots | Red Hogweed | Punarnava | Komme | Boerhavia Diffusa 100gm
Saranai ver or Mookkirattai Roots are dried and available as raw roots. It is also called as Vatta S..
Nannari Roots | Sarasparilla | Narunenti | Anantamul | Hemidesmus Indicus 100gm
Nannari Roots are dried and available as raw. It has no added flavor and It is good in reducing our ..
Narukku Moolam | Kandanthippili | Pepper Roots | Pipparamula | Piper Longum 100gm
Narukku Moolam or Kandanthippili, the stem of Long pepper plant as a raw herbs. Its power is somewha..
Poolankilangu | White Turmeric | Kachur | Kabur Kachri | Curcuma Zedoria 100gm
Poolangilangu or Kichili kilangu Roots are dried, ground and available as raw material. It is having..
Thanneer Vittan | Shatavari Roots | Adharvela | Ashadhi | Asparagus Racemosus 100gm
Shatavari Roots are also called as Thanneer vittan kilangu in Tamil. Both are same. Its botanical na..